Discover an all-natural treatment to reduce pain, relieve stress and tension, improve circulation and support the body's efforts to function optimally.
Reflexology is a natural non-invasive therapy embracing the whole concept of holistic treatment. The feet are microcosms of the body. By stimulating the nerve endings in the feet we send messages along the nerve pathways to the various organs, glands, and body parts. We stimulate and communicate with the nerve network to the body by applying pressure with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. This helps to balance the energies within the body. We are not diagnosing or treating a specific condition, we are treating an existing imbalance in the energy of the body. There are few other therapies that treat the whole body in such a gentle non-invasive manner that have no adverse side effects. We simply encourage the body to heal itself.
Willow Tree Salon & Spa
47 Coldwater Rd, Coldwater, Ontario
Monday - Friday 10 am - 3 pm
Evenings, Saturday and Sunday upon request
Make an Appointment
Mobile Service
Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 3 pm
Saturday upon request